License Deployment Types
Onetastic installer accepts a configuration file to run
silently and to deploy Pro or Dev licenses automatically.
Licenses can be deployed for one of the two different activation models:
Client Deployment
This type is for deploying into client computers where a single user uses the computer.
The license will be activated for that user and in case the computer is re-imaged and the
license needs to be re-activated, Onetastic will automatically recognize that it is the
same computer and de-activate old activations to make room for the new activation.
Client deployment is the default for interactive installations where there is no configuration
file. Do not use client deployment for server installations explained below. Client deployment
only allows one user per computer to be activated at a time. If a second user activates the license
with client deployment, it will automatically de-activate the first user.
Server Deployment
This type is for deploying into a server computer where multiple users connect to the
computer remotely and use the software potentially simultaneously. Server deployments allow
multiple users on the same computer to activate the license without deactivating each other.
Do not use server deployment on client machines where only a single user will use the computer
at all times. Doing so will prevent Onetastic from de-activating old license activations for
that user when re-activating after a re-install.
Specifying License Deployment Type
You can specify whether you want to use the "client" or the "server" type using a Installation Configuration File.
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