macroland Macroland

Macros by: Onetastic ★

Insert Monthly Calendar
Inserts a calendar of the selected month and year
Sort Pages
Sort pages in current section or notebook by name, sub pages stay under their parent pages and sorted among themselves
TOC in Current Notebook
Creates or updates table of contents of the current notebook
Search & Replace
Search and replace text in the current page, section or notebook
TOC in Current Page
Creates a table of contents from heading in the current page and inserts at the top of the page. Optionally it adds "Back to Top" links to the headings.
Weekly Planner
Inserts page with a section for each day in the current week
Insert Horizontal Line
Inserts a horizontal line
Monthly Calendar With Task List
Creates a monthly calendar with task list for each day
TOC in Current Section
Creates a new page with table of contents of the current section
Resize Images
Resizes each image and printout in the current page by given percentage. This extension allows to choose either all images or the selected image only on the current page to be resized.
Sort Sections
Sort each section in current section group alphabetically by name
Sort Pages by Date
Sorts pages in current section or notebook by created or last modified date
Daily Planner Page
Planner with Task List and a Daily Notes page. This can create a single page with for the selected day or a number of pages for each day in the selected range.
Sort Notebooks
Sort notebooks alphabetically by name
Weekly Planner for each day with Done&TODO
Inserts page with a section for each day in the current week with Done, Problem and TODO.
Insert Yearly Calendar
Inserts a calendar of the selected year
Use sum, average, etc. functions on tables. Select a cell, a column or a row to apply the functions.
Blackboard page
Changes the background color of the page to black, sets all font to white, and optionally removes date/time under title
Word Count
Displays the number of words and characters on the page
Text to Table
Converts selected text into table
Search & Highlight
Search text in the current page, section or notebook and highlight with the selected color
List Notebooks
Creates a page with a list of all open notebooks and links to them
Set Page Background Color
Pick a color to set the page background
Where am I
Inserts a breadcrumb showing where the current page is in the hieararchy of notebooks / section groups / sections
Tag Summary for Specific Tag
Creates a tag summary page for a specific tag. Up to three tags can be specified to find paragraphs that contain all those tags together or at least one of them
Insert Double Horizontal Line
Inserts a double horizontal line
Sort Table
Sorts selected table by selected column
Set Section Color
Sets Section Color to selected color
Attachment List
Creates a list of attachment filenames in current section, section group or notebook. Provides page names and links back to the page and the embedded files.
Convert selected text to upper case
Number of Pages
Displays number of pages in current Section/Section Group/Notebook/All Notebooks (Excludes Recycle Bin)
Recent Edits
Displays a summary page of recent edits in current section/section group/notebook or all notebooks
To-Do List with Page Names
Creates a page at the top of the section that lists all un-checked To-do tags. It is titled "TO-DO List (yyyy-mm-dd h:mm)".
Diary Pages
Create a page for each day in the selected month with date of the day as the title
Auto-fills selected table cells using data from the first few selected cells
Increase Font Size
Increases font size of all text on the page by 1
Capitalize Each Word
Capitalize each word in the selected text
Select Images
Selects all images on the page
Create Task Cards
Create tasks cards on the page
Sublime Theme
Makes the background color of the page dark gray and converts existing text to white. Based on the Sublime text editor. Note: Does not force the Automatic Font to White. Pending fix.
Monthly Planner Pages
Creates a Monthly Planner page for each day of a month or for each month of the year
lower case
Convert selected text to lower case
Sort Selected Paragraphs
Sorts selected paragraphs or list items
Code mode
Changes the text style to code (Consolas 10 pt, with a very light background, reminiscent of Evernote Code Blocks). Works even when no text is selected.
No Spell Check
Removes spell check (red squiggles) from selected text
Tag Summary with Page Names
Creates a tag summary page with page names and links for each tag. Orders the results first by tag, then by the page they appear in.
Decrease Font Size
Decreases font size of all text on the page by 1
Clean Hyperlinks
Removes all friendly hyperlinks in the current page
Set Column Widths
Sets the column width of the selected table on the current page to the specified value.
Where am I +
Inserts a breadcrumb showing where the current page is in the hieararchy of notebooks / section groups / sections / Parent Pages. Automatically removes the old breadcrumb.
Show Month
This macro will insert a month calendar for the specified month. The events are the titles of pages form one or two sections in the same notebook, based on the creation time for the page. A page whose title has a tag will show the tag instead of the time. Each calendar event links to the relevant page.
Clean Authors
Cleans author information from the current page
TOC in Current Subpages
Creates a table of contents of the current page subpages
Sort Selected Todos
Sort Todo boxes by checked/unchecked. Select the paragraphs that have todo checkboxes and run this macro.
Expand/Collapse Outlines
Toggle Expand/Collapse, or expand to the selected outlines to the chosen level (Level 1 to 9 as well as all levels).
Outlook Email Date Stamp
This macro will change the creation date of each page in the current section with the time the email was sent, allowing them to be sorted by the email date. This has been made specifically for emails sent to OneNote from Outlook.
Set Notebook Color
Pick a color to set the current notebook color
Custom Rule Lines
Set spacing and color of grid lines to any value.
TOC in All Notebooks
Creates a new page with table of contents of all notebooks
Tag Complete & Strikethrough
Completes the Todo tag and strikes through the selected paragraph
Capitalize Titles
Capitalizes the first and last word of a selection and any other words longer than 3 letters
Search & Replace in Hyperlinks
Search and replace in hyperlink URLs in the current page, section or notebook
Search & Select
Select search terms in the current page
Toggle casing of selected text
Sort Pages Ascending
Sort each page in current section by name in ascending order, sub pages stay under their parent pages and sorted among themselves
Daily Manager Log
Creates a Daily Manager Log page for each day in the whole year or a month
Insert Time Stamp
Remove Paragraph and Line Breaks
Removes paragraph breaks and line breaks on selected paragraphs and merges them into a single paragraph
Insert Horizontal Line between Paragraphs
Inserts a horizontal line between each of the selected paragraphs
Resize Images by Pixels
Resizes all images and printouts in the current page to a specified pixel size.
TOC in Current Section Group
Creates a new page with table of contents of the current section group
Insert Subpage With Selected Text As Title
Inserts a new page at the bottom of the section and makes it a subpage and makes the selected text the title. It also creates a link back to the original page.
Add icon to page title
Adds an icon (emoji) to the front of the title, for easy reference of page type. For example, use "✉" as the first character to easily identify pages created from emails.
Clean Authors (Select Scope)
Cleans author information on selected lines, in the current page, section, section group, notebook or all notebooks
Window Manager
Save sets of OneNote windows and reopen them later
Tag Complete & Add Date
Completes the todo tag on the selected line and adds the current date/time to the end of it
Vertical Spacing
This will make all selected content containers equaly spaced away from each other, Enter into the dialog box how much you want the spacing to be.
Insert Page at the Top
Inserts a new page at the top of the current section
Search & Tag
Find a search term and create tags in matching paragraphs in the current page, section or notebook
Title -> Calibri Light 20
Changes title of each page in the current section to Calibri Light 20 to match OneNote 2013 style
Select Done Tasks
Select all done tasks on current page for easy deleting (just hit delete key).
Table to Text
Converts the selected table to text, columns separated by tabs. Preserves formatting but will remove any images
Clean Timestamps
Cleans timestamp information from the current page, typically added by Insert Screen Clipping command
Collapse Parent
Collapse parent outline element
New Meeting
Insert a small string of text with an automatic date & author. Ideal to start a new meeting.
Tag Completion Date
Displays the completion date/time of the To Do tag on the selected paragraph
Set Page Date & Time
Set the page date and time to desired time
Text Snippets
Store commonly used text snippets and insert them when you need
Collapse Pages in Notebook
Collapse all pages in the current Notebook
Extract highlighted Text
Extracts any highlighted text and prints it at the end of the page
Insert legal symbol
Inserts a legal symbol (one of Δ, Π, §, §§, ¶)
Sentence Case
Capitalize the first letter in each sentence in the selected text
Text to Code
Converts selected text into Code table with line number and font 'Consolas' .
Uncheck All Todos
Uncheck all todo boxes on the current page
Collapse Pages in Current Section Group
Collapse all pages in the current Section Group
Insert Subpages With Selected Paragraphs As Title
Inserts a new page at the bottom of the section for each paragraph selected in the current page, using it as a title
Select Text With Similar Formatting
Selects all the text in the current page with similar formatting to the currently selected text
Move Page to Top of Section
Moves the current page to the top of the section
Rainbow your notebooks and sections
This macro will color all your notebooks and sections as a rainbow. Feel free to enter the macro and modify the color array (also the if statements)
This macro is to sort a prioritized To Do list, colors them based on priority and status. You need to select the To Do list to sort them. Indented sections are treated as one, and sorting will not harm them.
Sample - Create tables
Creates sample tables in the current page
Prepend Creation Date to Title
Prepends create date *yyyy-mm-dd* to tite if it does not exist
Shade Alternate Table Rows
Shades alternate rows of selected table to the selected accent color
Insert Dated Page at the Top
Inserts a new page at the top of the current section with title as date
Collapse Pages in Notebooks
Collapse all pages in all Notebooks
Letter sized paper with infinite length and ruled horizontal lines
Adds a vertical rule line to a letter sized paper with infinite length and ruled horizontal lines. You can change the rule line color afterwards from View > Rule Lines > Rule Line Color if you want.
Create pages from list of titles
Creates pages in the current section from a given list of titles separated by comma (;)
Resize all Images on Page to One Standard Width
Resizes all images on the current page to a standard width.
Dim Tags
Dims tags on the current page so that they don't show up in tag search results
Insert One Cell Table
Insert a single celled table in an outline.
List hyperlinks from search in new page (choose scope)
List hyperlinks from search in new page
Make Blank Annual Journal
Select any year between 2013 and 2028 and this macro wil create a Journal for you. Each month is a section, and each month has a page per day, There is also a calendar tab that you can use the "Insert Calendar" macro to fill (I may later extend the macro to do that automatically, and also remove the New Section that is created when you open a new notebook). Future years extensions are a matter of adding a handful of new statements in the macro, but everything in OneNote may have changed by then, so I'll defer that one for now.
Go to end of the page
Moves the cursor to the end of the page
Recent Edits with Author Info
Displays a summary page of recent edits in current section/section group/notebook or all notebooks with author info that made the edits and date
Copy Current Page to Other Notebooks
Copies current page to other notebooks. You can select one or more target notebooks, or pick all notebooks.
Sort Paragraphs and Remove Duplications
Sort every paragraph on the page exclude empty ones and title. And also delete duplications.
Create sections from list of titles
Creates sections in the current notebook (or section group) from a given list of titles separated by semicolon (;)
Add/Remove Date/Time from Titles
Adds or removes Date/Time from titles of pages in current section or notebook
Change Text Color
Change color of all instances of text within the given scope that match the given inputs. Required Inputs: hex code of desired color, Scope, Case sensitivity Optional Inputs: Text to Color, Target Font Name, Target Font Size, Various filters NOTE: Either Text to Color or Target Font Size must be provided, both may also be provided for additional specificity.
Undim Tags
Undims tags on the current page, section, section group, notebook or all notebooks, so that they show up in tag search results
Transpose Table
Transposes the selected table. It may leave empty cells if the table is not a square. It only works if the table has text. Non-text content will be lost.
Page Template Name
Displays the original template used to create the current page
Number First Cells
Numbers only the first column in a table starting from a given value.
Search & Replace in Titles
Search and replace text in titles of pages in selected pages, current section, notebook or all notebooks
Sample - Insert Tags
Inserts all possible tags on a new page
Sort by Tag
Sort selected paragraphs by their tag name
Capitalize Page Titles
Capitalize titles of pages under selected scope
Insert Short Date Stamp
Insert "YYMMDD - "
Remove All Indents From All Paragraphs
For every paragraph, it will sent the indent to nothing
Template Notebook Structure
Save section hierarchy of current notebook (not pages) into a templates store and later apply those templates to new notebooks. Create a new empty notebook to apply templates.
Sample Insert Text
Inserts text at the current position
Print/SaveAs SimpleHelper - Grid 0.5" on LetterPaper
First, manually apply Letter size w/ margins T&B 0.5" and L&R 1". Then, run this macro to see the "ideal"printable-area if scale-down is not applied. See the comments in Macroland for more information.
Indent First Line
Indents first line of each paragraph in Current Page or Current Section, ignoring the following cases: Paragraph in the table, bulleted paragraph, numbered paragraph, blank paragraph, paragraph other than default style is set, "center" or "right" alignment is set.
Change Font in Selected Scope
Change text and title font and size in the current page, section, section group, notebook or all notebooks.
Auto Generate Links to Pages
Automatically creates hyperlinks on any text that matches a page title within the selected pages, all pages in the current section, or current notebook
Set Container Width manually
Sets the width of all container on the current page to given number of points
Add Footer to All Pages
Adds the given text to the end of all pages in the current section
Go to the begining of the page
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the page.
Sample Notebook/Section/Page Picker
Sample macro showing how to allow user pick a notebook, then a section, than a page
Insert Space Between Paragraphs
Inserts an empty paragraph between each of the selected paragraphs
Add URL to label of links
For each link in selected scope, adds its URL to the display text
Sample - Create a new page
Creates a new page in the current section with given title and some text content
Highlight Hashtags
Highlights hashtags (#word)
Sample Create Section Hierarchy
Creates a sample section group/section hierarchy
Multiply two cells of a row or a column into a adjoining empty cell in a table
Replace Line Breaks with Paragraph Breaks
Replaces line-breaks (inserted with Shift+Enter) with paragraph-breaks in selected text
A4 Paper Boundaries
Adds lines to the page to show A4 paper boundaries
List Password Protected Sections
Lists the password protected sections in the current notebook or all notebooks
Template Litigation Notebook
Creates sections for the LawToolBox Template Litigation Notebook. It is recommended that you create an empty notebook and then run this macro while in that notebook.
Sort Rows by Tag
Sorts the rows of the selected table based on the first tag in the first cell of each row
Find Table Rows with Search Term
Searches for a term in the current notebook in tables and outputs the found whole table rows into a new page
Search & Replace in Section Names
Search and replace text in section names in the current section group, notebook or all notebooks
Sample - Custom Sort Notebooks
Sort notebooks by after the first 6 characters of name
List pages with a given name
Creates a new page with a list of all the pages in the current notebook that has a certain name
Collect Clipped URLs
Collect clipped URLs from current section or notebook
Format Numbers
Applies specific formatting to all numbers in the selection or the current page
Number Pages
Adds numbering to the page titles in the current section. If the pages already have numbering it will update it
Add Footnote
Adds a footnote to the bottom of the page and links the current cursor position with the footnote. If there is any text selected, it is moved to the footnote
Text To Code V1.1
Takes code pasted from an IDE and makes a code like block, preserving color and disabling the spell check.
Insert Post-It
Inserts a post-it to the cursor position
Set Page Date to Today
Sets the creation date of the current page to current date/time
Sort Paragraphs by Highlight Color
Sort selected the paragraphs by the highlight color on them. You can use this after using "Extract Highlighted Text" macro to sort the extracted text by highlight color
Small-Caps Titles
Capitalizes the first and last word of a selection and any other words longer than 3 letters - all others are set to capitals but 4 sizes smaller to emulate small caps.
Search & Replace in Section Group Names
Search and replace text in section group names in the current notebook or all notebooks
tag un/completed sort,created/completed date entry
This Macro sorts the tags in Completed and uncompleted order. It also appends created date and Completed date in the end.
Color VB Comments
Changes color of text starting with a single quote (') on selected lines to green
Template SCorpBooks Notebook
Creates sections for the LawToolBox Template SCorpBooks Notebook. It is recommended that you create a new empty notebook and then run this macro while in that notebook.
Copy Plain Text Link to Current Page
Displays the onenote: link for the current page so that you can copy it and paste it into an application that only accepts plain text. Built-in Copy Link to Page feature in OneNote would copy the link in HTML format.
Sample - Insert Bold Text Then Place Cursor After a Space
Inserts bold text at the current position, then adds a space and places cursor after that
Generate Random String
Generates a random string of 10 characters and inserts it to the current page
Reformat Quick Paste text and URL into a hyperlink (text in BOLD)
Select pasted text name (must be bold) and link from YouTube video name and link, then reformat in only one line reduced format
Replace Paragraph Breaks with Line Breaks
Replaces paragraph breaks in selected paragraphs with line breaks. Line breaks can be manually inserted using Shift+Enter.
Remove Line Breaks
Removes line breaks on selected text
Sample - Move Last Row To Top
Sample macro showing how to rearrange rows in a table
Green Text
Sets font color to green
Font -> Times New Roman 12
Changes selected text font on current page to Times New Roman 12pt
Title -> Times New Roman 20
Changes title of each page in the current section to Times New Roman 20
Select Between First two Heading 1
Selects all content between the first and the second Heading 1 styled paragraphs in the current page
Reformat Quick Paste text and URL into a hyperlink (YT tam18)
Select pasted text (default text size 18) and link from YouTube video name and link, then reformat in only one line reduced format
Sample - Insert Styled Paragraph
Inserts a paragraph for each built-in OneNote style into the current page
Proofing Language -> Portuguese (Standard)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to Portuguese (Standard)
Insert Page Created Date in ISO format
Inserts the page created date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM)
Remove Footnote
Removes the selected footnote and associated links
Box Drawing
Converts a box drawn with +, -, and | characters into one drawn with Unicode box drawing characters. Can convert back and forth from 5 different formats.
Convert "LN, FN" to "FN LN" in Meeting Notes
In meeting notes if there are attendees in the format "LastName, FirstName", this macro converts them to "FirstName LastName" format.
Insert Formatted Date
Inserts a selected date in the selected format
Convert File Paths to Hyperlink
Adds a file:// hyperlink to selected paragraphs which must contain a file path. E.g. if a selected paragraph contains drive:path\to\file.txt, it will convert this to a hyperlink to file:///drive:/path/to/file.txt
Clear Table
Clear all cells in the selected table
Proofing Language -> Slovak (SK)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to Slovak (SK)
Sample - Insert All Bullet Types
Insert all possible bullet types on a new page
1-inch Rule Lines
Adds 1-inch vertical and horizontal gray rule lines to the current page
Set Page Titles
Sets the titles of each page in the current section to the values in the given semicolon-separated text
Show Ink Anchors
Display the anchors of the currently selected ink shape for line shapes (arrows). Latest version of OneNote does not show ink anchors to move the ends of line shapes.
Show E-mail Addresses
Adds e-mail addresses to mailto: links. Can be used to display e-mail addresses on meeting details pages
Reverse Images
Reverses order of images vertically. Useful if a printout is printed in the reverse order.
Outlook Meeting Date Stamp
This macro will change the creation date of each page in the current section with the time of the meeting, if the page contains meeting notes, allowing them to be sorted by the meeting date. This has been made specifically for meetings sent to OneNote from Outlook.
See All Macros